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Next step for the web content: HTML5


I would like to congratulate Sir Brad Neuberg for the quality of the following HTML5 presentation.
Due to the number of concepts presented in this video, I spent an hour gathering further details about these subjects.
Please find here below, the links and summary, to plunge into the next dimension of the Internet content.

Video timeline:
- Technical History: 0
- Vector graphics: 6
-- SVG: 7:15
-- Canvas API: 10:15
- When Canvas or SVG : 17
- Video: 20:50
- Geolocation:27:25
- Application cache & database: 30:10
- Web Workers: 35:50

Update: Brad's slides are availabe here (PDF).

If you want to test the demos, help yourself. Humm, first of all, make sure you have a modern browser (e.g Firefox 3.5) :

Vector graphic
- 1st person gifter : walk in the game using your keyboard arrow keys,
- SVG Web Toolkit: Animated Population Pyramid,
- Bespin : web code editor. For further explanation watch the mozilla team at Qcon London 2009,
uell : German election Atlas
Canvas: Drawing board

Video: a tag to display a video.
Paul Rouget: sexy videos demo
which format?? Arstechnica: Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate

Geolocalisation: get user position
htmlfive: Authorise and test

Database: store data related to one page on the user computer
Sticky Notes: work on a web page and store date on your computer

Web workers: like a thread in a program, but for a web content
Mozbox: take care demo without workers freeze the browser
hacks.mozilla: using web workers: working smarter, not harder

I also listened to the interview: "Ric Smith on the Present and the Future of HTML 5"; where they mentioned the following HTML5 specifications:

Post message: send messages from one browser window to another one
John Resig: Cross-Window Messaging,

Web socket: a standard answer to send messages from the server to the web browser. This feature will help to replace Comet.
Kaazing: HTML 5 WebSockets

Please find here below a video, where Brad gives a broader utilisation of HTML5.

diveintohtml5: further details.
Geektechnica: 5 Amazing HTML5 Features to Look Forward to
w3schools: Tutorials on HTML5

 9/27/2009 : Publish
06/13/2010 : Add last video.


Brad Neuberg said…
Thanks for the nice comment on the video! Much appreciated.

I also put the slides up on my website if you want to download them for study:
Franck Depierre said…
Thank you Brad, I set the link in the post.

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