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Showing posts from May, 2011

Mix-IT, my own retrospective

Two months ago, Mix-IT took place in Lyon, and our team ( JUG Lyon + CARA ) will soon give some feedback about this event. For my part, I learned a lot. Below are a few points that I want to share with you. Context The idea of a conference in Lyon was initiated by JUG Lyon, and then they proposed that we (Lyon Club Agile Rhône-Alpes) co-organise it with them. For me, Agile Grenoble is the main Agile conference in this region and organising a similar event would be pointless. Therefore, a combination of Agile content with technical knowledge was a clever way to not tread on anyone’s toes. Self-organised team We talk a lot about self-organised teams in the Agile world, but most of the time someone defines the scope of the work. To be fair, Agnes’s ( JUG + Jduchess ) expertise in event organisation really, made the difference, because she really made sure everything was covered. For the first time in my life, I saw a group of people in which ideas were generated every day,

Guy Kawasaki "The Art of the Start" @ TiECon 2006

A few days ago, when I understood teenagers do not know who is Bin Laden , I really feeled that 5 years is a lots. So I don't wait anymore.  I posted this video which is one of my favorite. A golden oldie!. If you want to know more about the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint, read Guy's article. Sources: Yahoo search Blog : Teens Don’t Know Who Osama Bin Laden Is, According to Yahoo! Search Trends Guykawasaki : How to Change the World: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint

Important things

A c olleague posted the following video to emphasize his thoughts about important things. Do we need a break in our life to understand what is important? There are a few similarities with Steve Job' Stanford Commencement Speech, where he tells three stories...