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Showing posts from January, 2015

New personal goals for next years

Happy new year 2015. After 10 years inside the walls, I’m moving outside!! Time is running and I have been working in the software world for 13 years and promoting the “software agile thing” in my area, for 6 years. Today, I need to step back. As my professional life has moved from R&D management to Product Marketing Management, my professional focus has shifted and I need  to improve my skills in this area. I’m writing this article because I would like to thank my growing network and  make sure you won’t be surprised by my new area of interest, that could be outside of your own. I imagine a few of you, shaking your heads, uttering a pfff of disappointment and saying: Franck and his books, his constant learning curve. For what? This is really simple: Without a sense of progress, I get bored in my professional activity. In 2009, for the first time since beginning in this sofware development world, I had a sense of accomplishment. As Agile was the main change we had imple