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Music: From Monoculture to Silots

  I recently watched a video titled " What’s a Monoculture? How Artists Are Bigger and Smaller Than Ever " on YouTube, which got me thinking about the shift from music monoculture to silos. This change has significantly impacted how we consume and experience music today. Monoculture and Silos: - Monoculture: This refers to a shared cultural experience where a few artists or pieces of content dominate the global scene. This was more prevalent during the MTV era when music videos and a few popular artists shaped the music landscape. - Silos: In contrast, silos represent the fragmented nature of modern media consumption. Different groups of people are exposed to different content based on their preferences, leading to a more personalized but less universally shared experience.   How Did This Happen? Here is a timeline of the last 70 years of modern music to illustrate this shift: Pre-MTV Era (1950s-1980s): - Music was primarily consumed through radio, records, and live
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The Carbon Footprint of Art: My Reflections After U2 Sphere Concert

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Lancement de ProductTank Lyon

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20 Years of Product Management in 25 Minutes

Mind the Product has been doing an awesome job these years. Follow them, watch their contents, the best Product Management ideas are there. Each time someone new in our PM field ask me about where to start, I have too many things in my mind to propose a simple answer. Each time, I tell me, if I tell them the truth, they may say: this is a too difficult position. So, the best way, may be to show them a funny video with the PM core principles: 20 Years of Product Management in 25 Minutes by Dave Wascha. Enjoy Thanks Dave, Thanks Mind the Product.

Happy New Year 2018

I wish you an happy new year 2018. I would like to thanks all the communities I'm working with and all the people I have a chance to exchange with. Please feel free to contact me to talk about your next projects.

Happy new year 2017

Vancouver July 2016 I wish you a happy new year 2017, with hope in this new world. I will love to meet you this year to discuss, share experience and knowledge. See you soon. Franck

Didn't register yet to the European Agile event 29-31 August in Paris?

I tell you, I’m not an expert in agile, just someone who found solution to my professional problems using agile methodologies. If you are convinced too and want to move further, please join us at the end of august, for a lot of open discussions and fun. Things are moving forward in the ALE 2016 organisation. Already, a great diversity of people answer to our call as shown below, but we need more. Yes the ALE 2016 will be great as it has always been since 2011 in Berlin. For those who do not know about the yearly ALE event, please find below a few tips. What is it?  If you do not know yet about the Agile Lean Europe event, here a few tips. ALE is a event for practitioners, meaning people who already practice agile methodologies like developers, modern CEO, teachers, leaders, etc.  Sharing ideas and solving problems are the ALE mains goals: people can propose topics where they share their experience, other can ask to solve a problem the can’t alone  The event formats helps