On Tuesday 9th February, the 4th Agile Cara session occurred in Lyon.
I was happy to see new faces, but on the other hand, it is hard to know why people are not regularly attending our by bimontly sessions.

Organisation change management is well known and is treated in many books like Leading Change (John P KOTTER) and online articles (Pierre Collerette), but in this case, the presentation has been constructed based on a Military battle Campaign metaphor.
Even the subject is presenting a way to identify the resistance when it comes to proposing Agile adoption, these concepts are suitable for many other management situations. The main idea is to build an organisational map where influencers are red (Enemy of a move to Agile), green or white (Neutral) and then to draw arrows of influence between them.
The result is clear, effective and could easily lead to the definition of an action plan to neutralise the Enemies.
Sources :
CARA : Lyon 4
Scrumalliance : Mapping Change Battlefield by George Schlitz & Giora Morein
Epmbook : Organisational Change Management
books.google : KOTTER, John P., Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1996.
Uqo.ca : Pierre Collerette