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CARA Lyon Retrospective 2010-2011

The “Club Agile Rhône Alpes” was born in Grenoble and then, its creators helped us, Lyon citizens, to develop a section in our town.

On Tuesday 7th of June, we hold a retrospective of this year’s activities. This backward-looking session also helped us to exchange about our general feelings of Agile/Lean in our area.

Previous to the retrospective, Stephane made a brief introduction of his telecom lab and concluded by asking questions like: How could I teach agile to my students? What is the first step for agile in a research context?
I understood Stephane is interested to be more active in our community. This is great news, because our active group was mostly composed of coaches and industrial profiles. Having a researcher will probably help us to define clearer goals and also push us to review the new research papers in our fields of knowledge. Welcome Stephane.

Romain led the retrospective and proposed the speedboat game to achieve it. We didn’t accurately follow the final steps of this game, but regarding the diversity of feedback we collected, I will probably use it again.

Romain drew a boat on the whiteboard and asked us to show anchors. The boat was not a product but our local organisation, CARA Lyon. We started to display anchors, which slowed down the speed of our boat. Soon, we understood we didn’t know where we were coming from and where we were going to.

Romain drew the departure dock to the right (No agile community in Lyon) and a big question mark to the left of the boat.
I mentioned again the CARA aims to promote Agile/Lean practices in the France - Rhône Alpes area, but this goal was not really understood by the participants. As the session was a retrospective we added this remark to the whiteboard.

You can have a look at the following pictures of the whiteboard if you want more details.

Also, we only identified a few groups of important topics and listed proposed actions. A second session will occur at the end of June where goals and actions must be defined.

While writing these lines, I also have thoughts about Mix-IT. It brings us local visibility but CARA is a mandatory structure for maintaining the sensation of having a sustainable core of practitioners.
Also these social/network exchanges generate pleasant rewards.

Free sessions, paid sessions, budget, content, format - all need to be rethought.
But, I personally feel that we need to have a wider community and a better network. I don’t have solutions yet, but the ALE Network vision seems to have common problems as us to solve.

Stephane FRENOT : Stephane FRENOT
Romain Couturier : L'agilité en vrai
Innovation Games : Speed Boat


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